We are so excited to announce that we have relocated our Habitat offices, our ReStore, and our home construction program to the old ValuCheck building, located at 1914 Glenn Park in Champaign. We are so excited to have all our operations under one roof, in a space that we ourselves will own.
Store Hours:
Tue: 10am-6pm, Wed-Fri: 10am-2pm, Sat: 10am-4pm
Donation Hours:
Tue: 10am-6pm, Wed-Fri: 10am-2pm and 5pm-6pm, Sat: 10am-4pm
Our new home
1914 Glenn Park in Champaign
Our new space will be home to all of Habitat’s operations, including:
- The ReStore, our 15,000 square foot resale store, that helps fund Habitat’s mission
- Donation drop off and processing area
- Habitat of Champaign County administrative offices, with a conference room and meeting space for financial education workshops
- Construction and storage space for Habitat’s home building program

Why Relocate?
-Our current leased spaces do not provide adequate space to house the current level of operation and offer no room for growth.
-By spending less money and time on repairing current building issues and on managing inventory between two separate spaces we will have more resources for our home builds and other Habitat programs.
-More usable retail space means increased ReStore revenue…. since the ReStore helps fund Habitat home builds, increased revenue means that we can build more homes.
-By owning instead of leasing, Habitat of Champaign can practice what we preach! In lieu of making monthly rent payments, we would much rather invest in our future with monthly mortgage payments. Ownership means a a strengthened financial position via wealth generation and organizational stability.
We Need Your Help!
As we all know, 2022 is a year of increased costs, with the construction sector being particularly affected. Building material costs have skyrocketed, and delays in getting materials has been a challenge facing our organization since the Covid pandemic began. These increased costs have meant that our organization is facing a pretty significant (and unexpected) funding gap, and we need your help.
Your donation to our fundraising campaign will help fund the necessary renovations needed in order to make the space functional. Your donation is also an investment in the future of Champaign County and its families in need of safe, decent, and affordable housing. We all know that the lack of affordable housing here in Champaign County (and around the world) is a major problem that will not get any better without community action. Please give today, and help us build better futures.

Invest in the future of Champaign County
Make a donation to our “A Home of Our Own” Fundraising Campaign
so we can continue building better futures for those in Champaign County.
For a community to be whole and healthy, it must be based on people’s love and concern for each other.
Millard Fuller, Founder, Habitat for Humanity