Tonunica Caraway, born and raised in Champaign and a Champaign Central graduate, has worked for the past six years as a bus monitor for Champaign Unit 4 Schools. Tonunica is the proud mother of four children, whom she affectionately describes as “loving, respectful and kind.” When asked what she wants her children to experience during the process of building her home with Habitat, Tonunica replies, “I want them to see your dreams can happen, to never give up, and to be humble.” As a busy mother of four Tonunica finds her free time to be limited, but when she does have time for herself she enjoys reading and listening to music. Tonunica also has a passion for decorating, and she is excited to put her stamp on her new home and make it her own.
Tonunica found out about Habitat through seeing other local families in the community as they worked with Habitat to build their forever homes, and since then she has been dreaming about having the same opportunity for her family. “My life is going to change for the better because this was something I always wanted for me and my family and it will make my children strive for the best.” says Tonunica. “Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart and I’m so thankful and blessed!”